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Undertaking Certification

Take your first step towards Certification as an ACHSM Certified Health Manager (CHM) or Certified Health Executive (CHE)

Are you eligible?

ACHSM membership status Do I qualify? What’s next?
NOT a member of the College Not yet Apply to become a member
Member of the College – STUDENT Not yet Undertake further ACHSM activities to achieve 12 points to advance to Associate Fellow
Member of the College – MEMBER Not yet Undertake further ACHSM activities to achieve 12 points to advance to Associate Fellow
Member of the College – ASSOCIATE FELLOW Probably If you can demonstrate 3 years’ management or leadership experience as part of the application process, you will be eligible.
Member of the College – FELLOW Yes Apply now

What are the requirements to enter?

Click on each section on the left to view full details on the right.

Associate Fellows/Fellows - Apply for Certification below

IMPORTANT NOTICE: You must be a Certified Health Manager (CHM) to undertake the ACHSM Fellowship Program

Fellowship is the highest level of recognition and membership within ACHSM. Attaining Fellowship demonstrates the attainment of significant health leadership and management competencies.

At the ACHSM May 2024 Board Meeting, the Board considered a recommendation to require that members who wish to undertake Fellowship by examination should complete the Certification Program prior to applying to undertake Fellowship by examination.

This recommendation was approved by the Board for implementation from the 2025 Fellowship by examination cohort intake.